Hey All
Now Every now and again I write and episode review. And I will for The Dark Side of the Moon, but because of a Supernatural Marathon I am having I am doing this first. This episode gave me a theory, one that I am unable to fit into 140 words in twitter.
Firstly God. Yes he sounds like a major Douche in this episode, but as it is Easter I feel I might be zapped with lighting if I don't add this, I believe it was a test. Not a test like the square root of pie but a test of faith. If that is so, then both Castiel and Dean have failed it like I did with every science test. God not only tested the faith of the boys in him but them in each other.
They failed. Move along? Oh no you cynical side of my brain. Oh no no no.
That scene that broke my heart, like full on hammer to the heart... anyway when Dean dropped that Amulet in the bin. I believe something will happen Dean will gain some kind of faith, or Sam and somehow the amulet will come back to him like some kind of boomerang.
However if Off Camera Sam picked it up, it may be the missing piece in the faith jigsaw that Dean or God need to make them man up. And no I am not Dean bashing I understand where he is coming from after all this was the straw that broke the Dean Winchesters back. He needs his faith restored just like it seems like God needs too
Winchester Parents.(May I add this is not an inertly new theory of mine but alas let me continue)
Ash, father of all stuff that is smart, can not find Mary and Johns heaven. Now if one is to remember back to All Hell Breaks Loose part 2, John walked out of hell and was like 'Bitch don't shoot my boy' that when Yellow Eyes bit it he burst into white light.
I think God has Mary and John, two very good hunters chosen with blood lines. Maybe they are now angels, maybe they are Gods personal body guards. But they are Winchesters they are not normal people their after lives are not normal. I think they are with God or at least trying to do some heavenly good.
Well what do you think? Am I just beyond cracked?
Once a fan, always a fan
10 years ago
I just need a hug! Like.. Oh I like your theory! Like WHY DID GOD HELP THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE in season 5 premier?
ReplyDeleteHey it's me Sarah_Loves _SPN yes that all makes sense. I am praying to GOD!!! sam got that amulet out of the bin. Maybe Sam handing it back to him will help Deans faith. That was the hardest thing to watch it the history of SPN ever!!!!! I feel like I'm gonna die! Sam lovess Dean he does! If only Dean could see through the pain. I really dont think Sam means to hurt him like he does. And now they broke Cas too. I do think there has to be a reason Ash hadn't found Mary & John's heaven...