Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crack Pot Theory Six-to-da-hizzay!

Hello Readers

It is I Kara! I am communicating to you via this wonderful blog to tell you about the new Crack Pot theory that has cracked out of my head, rolled along the floor then somehow with the magic of the Internet is now forming into words in this blog for you to read and to mock.

I was listening to the Crossroads (an awesome podcast) and they were saying that we should prepare for the death of Bobby and Cas.

The Death of Bobby and Cas? Are you freaking Kidding me? No way can I handle the death of either of them, screw the Winchesters I HAVE LOST TOO MUCH! I cant and wont accept the death of either of them.

Kill the Winchesters at least they will come back but don't you dare kill my angle or eye candy.

Now that little freak out is over and done with I would like to bring your attention to my Crack (or crap depending on how cynical you are) theory of Season Six.

Now we have been told that the Apocalypse story line will end at Season 5.

Ok good. So long Lucifer.

And so now people are saying well without the end of the world Cas can die cause why would we need an angel.

And to you I say PISH! That's right I PISH you. Just because Lucifer will be defeated or put back in his cage or the naughty corner does not mean that the angels and Demons will go back to their respective corners.

Wouldn't you believe that A Demon or an Angel (because Lucifer isn't the only angel that hates humans) will want to take over the role of supreme douche of oz?

Wouldn't demons and angels want revenge? (which is a major theme through out the series) An angel is very much wanted and needed in my crackpot theory.

However what does worry me is about Bobby. As we saw in Dead Men, Bobby is broken and spiritless. Maybe, just maybe he wont die. Maybe he will say yes.

But yes to who? I can hear the cyber people saying. Well his name is Dog backwards.

That's Right I believe Bobby is the vessel of God. Well no I don't believe it could very well be possible.

So maybe Bobby wont die. Maybe Season 5 will end with both Sam, Dean and Bobby saying yes and Season 6 will pick up months later their body's their own and angel less well not fully angel less because Cas will still be walking around eating burgers. And Season 6 will have them trying to find out what they did while they were possessed how things ended and trying to stop the new Douche of the season.

So what are your thoughts? Do you like my theory? Will Bobby Live? Will Cas actually win another fight? How will Season 6 shape up?

1 comment:

  1. Would it be like The Hangover, where we get to see a whole lot of photos of what they did when they were Lucifer, Michael and God?
