Friday, April 9, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 10-6

Deal With The Yellow Eyes

The Deal that stopped the nation until Dean made his deal. However this was the first and only time we saw the full extent John would go for his children. It also started the belief of mine that John knew everything that was going to happen to his kids.

Bye Bye Sammy

Even when I re-watch All Hell Breaks Loose my heart still lodges itself right in my throat. Amazing moment and a catalis for the next couple of seasons.

Sam vs Dean ROUND ONE

I Loved this fight... which I know is a silly thing to say, but I loved it. I loved how they had a verbal bitch fight then a physical blow. It gave us some character insight which we all know is like crack to me.

Dean smashing the impala.

Dean has more symoblism that a Year 12 english essay. This moment right here is the reason why I watch 'Everybody loves a clown'. Its a visual sign of Dean's rebellion to John and the task John wanted him to undertake. Just perfect.

One brother has to kill the other.

Gabe... Trickster dishing out the the jaw dropper. Every moment of Changing Channels was awesome but this was just the icing on the cake. It will set up the rest of the season. Just awesome just is ... Supernatural

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