Tuesday, April 6, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 20-16

I was going to do Reasons Why I chose these moments for all videos but Alas time got away from me. So I have decided to to from 20-1 Reasons why:

Mary makes a deal.

This moment set up the whole journy of the Winchester boys even though we didnt see this until Season 4. This explained the whole 'You?' In All Hell Breaks loose and as a fan of Supernatural this is when my jaw hit the ground.

Car Crash

Probably one of the best cliff hangers Supernatural has ever done. While I was undertaking the SPN Marathon my friend had the same reaction as I had when I first watched it. "OH CRAP NOT THE IMPALA!" But just like the boys the Impala can come back from the dead.

Bobby's Tough Love

It was exactly what Dean needed to hear at that moment. Bobby dishes out the best tough love and the call to John was simply awesome. I agree with Bobby John was a selfish coward. This moment is one of those reasons why I rewatch Lucifer Rising it summed up the feelings of at least this fan.

Sam watching Mary's death

Good Old Yellow Eyes. This scene was the buliding block for so much. The whole 'You' thing that I mementioned in Moment 20, the whole Demon blood with the Demon powers. This started the very close watch to see when Sam was to turn darkside and it also started the struggle of Sam trying to stop his ever ready super heavy demon powers. It also (personally) makes you compare season 2 Sam freaking out about YED giving him Demon blood to Season 4 Sam who just chows down on it like its Fairy Floss.

Michael talking to Dean

If you Hashtag Team FreeWill or Hashtag Team Destiny I dont care but this moment is the stepping block for the journey of Dean being the vessel of Michael. Up until then Dean has always been a piller of 'No Means no Bizatches' but the comparisons to Michaels struggle and Deans were so epic in this scene. The last moment when Michael says that Dean will say yes is something that I know has had many fans undies in a twist. Its not often Supernatural says something that they dont deliver on.

More moments are to come. I will hopefully be uploading moments 15-11 tomorrow, and the last two videos will probably be Saturday and Sunday Australia time so that the whole 100 moments are up for the 100th episode. Anyway please comment the video and enjoy.

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