Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yes I know

I know there has been the 100th episode. I know I should have written a review by now. But real life sometimes is just so over powering you dont get around to it. However its long weekend time here in the land of Oz so I will write a 100th episode review and depending on the time constrates and such I might write one Hammer Time... of the gods....

Anyway must be off the call of the wild is, well, dormant but things to do and eat and mainly do.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

100 moments of Supernatural moments 5-1

This is it the last 5 Moments of Supernatural. If you agree or dont it doesnt matter, because these moments rocked my world, and hopefully yours.

Sam finding John - or 'Coffee Drop'.

Oh Hello heart, you are now on the floor. John, the man the myth is dead. This moment is Iconic. This has to be one of the rawest moments with emotion. I have nothing else to say about this. It was just amazing and perfect.

Sam vs Dean Round 2

This moment isnt so much about the actual fight but what they said to eachother before they landed the first blow. Dean came clean telling Sam that he was turning into a monster, and then Sam went all McFly and went Chuck Norris on his ass. I also find it interesting that when put the fight in Sex and Violence and the Fight here side by side. Dean lost this fight maybe cause he was holding back not really wanting to hurt Sam... not sure. Another reason why this is moment 4 is because of this one line "If you walk out that door dont you ever come back."

Mary I am Your Son.

This moment is so high because you can see how much she wanted a better life for her boys, how much she loved John and how cool and collected she is. This moment was a personal favourite and hence why its so high.

Dead Sam

Holy Crap this moment still makes me cry. And I dont Cry much. You see how much Dean loves his little bro, you see how much he tried to protect him and although he didnt want Sam to leave them he never wanted him to this life.

Ding Dong the Yellow Eyes is Dead.

The best killing of the orginal Bad guy. John climbing out of hell to help his boys. Dean shooting YED with the colt. What isnt there to like? To love, to rank as number one? This was the end of two years of the viewer investment in the distruction of the YED the murder of Mary and Jess to see him go out in such a way was superb. Lets not forget that when Dean goes back in time and is all like 'Bitch, please, look into my eyes I am the one who ganks ya.' It adds something special. Also my dear readers we know that the Yellow Eyes story doesnt end with the bullet in the brain.

So thank God the 100 moments are over. Now all we have to wait to do is to see the 100th episode. And soon it will be time for a new project... maybe ways I can kill Channel 10 for canceling Supernatural again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 10-6

Deal With The Yellow Eyes

The Deal that stopped the nation until Dean made his deal. However this was the first and only time we saw the full extent John would go for his children. It also started the belief of mine that John knew everything that was going to happen to his kids.

Bye Bye Sammy

Even when I re-watch All Hell Breaks Loose my heart still lodges itself right in my throat. Amazing moment and a catalis for the next couple of seasons.

Sam vs Dean ROUND ONE

I Loved this fight... which I know is a silly thing to say, but I loved it. I loved how they had a verbal bitch fight then a physical blow. It gave us some character insight which we all know is like crack to me.

Dean smashing the impala.

Dean has more symoblism that a Year 12 english essay. This moment right here is the reason why I watch 'Everybody loves a clown'. Its a visual sign of Dean's rebellion to John and the task John wanted him to undertake. Just perfect.

One brother has to kill the other.

Gabe... Trickster dishing out the the jaw dropper. Every moment of Changing Channels was awesome but this was just the icing on the cake. It will set up the rest of the season. Just awesome just is ... Supernatural

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 15-11

I am the Angel Castiel and I have an epic entrance.

The best entrance of pretty much of ALL TIME! This is a top moment because my jaw hit the ground when I first heard the words 'Angel of the Lord' and every time I re watch that episode my jaw still comes unhinged. Awesome Awesome Moment.

My Baby Is Burning.

This moment. This moment of John finding Mary set up the whole series. The whole 'Dad's on a hunting trip' EVERYTHING. If Mary didn't die, then the boys wouldn't have been hunters and we would have no show.

My Daddy is a Headstone.

Moving Moving moment of Supernatural history. Dean knowing that he could never have a normal life. That sacrificing himself his happiness for the greater good.

Dean Vs Dean

Awesome. Awesome. Some John hate, some self hate and the moment where Dean goes 'You know what I don't want to go to hell' Well spoiler Dean you do.

Dean Coming Back From Hell

At the end of season 3 we were all worried on how Dean was going to come back. Was he going to come back as a demon? Was he going to be subject to another deal? Oh Wait no he has a bigger mission at hand

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 20-16

I was going to do Reasons Why I chose these moments for all videos but Alas time got away from me. So I have decided to to from 20-1 Reasons why:

Mary makes a deal.

This moment set up the whole journy of the Winchester boys even though we didnt see this until Season 4. This explained the whole 'You?' In All Hell Breaks loose and as a fan of Supernatural this is when my jaw hit the ground.

Car Crash

Probably one of the best cliff hangers Supernatural has ever done. While I was undertaking the SPN Marathon my friend had the same reaction as I had when I first watched it. "OH CRAP NOT THE IMPALA!" But just like the boys the Impala can come back from the dead.

Bobby's Tough Love

It was exactly what Dean needed to hear at that moment. Bobby dishes out the best tough love and the call to John was simply awesome. I agree with Bobby John was a selfish coward. This moment is one of those reasons why I rewatch Lucifer Rising it summed up the feelings of at least this fan.

Sam watching Mary's death

Good Old Yellow Eyes. This scene was the buliding block for so much. The whole 'You' thing that I mementioned in Moment 20, the whole Demon blood with the Demon powers. This started the very close watch to see when Sam was to turn darkside and it also started the struggle of Sam trying to stop his ever ready super heavy demon powers. It also (personally) makes you compare season 2 Sam freaking out about YED giving him Demon blood to Season 4 Sam who just chows down on it like its Fairy Floss.

Michael talking to Dean

If you Hashtag Team FreeWill or Hashtag Team Destiny I dont care but this moment is the stepping block for the journey of Dean being the vessel of Michael. Up until then Dean has always been a piller of 'No Means no Bizatches' but the comparisons to Michaels struggle and Deans were so epic in this scene. The last moment when Michael says that Dean will say yes is something that I know has had many fans undies in a twist. Its not often Supernatural says something that they dont deliver on.

More moments are to come. I will hopefully be uploading moments 15-11 tomorrow, and the last two videos will probably be Saturday and Sunday Australia time so that the whole 100 moments are up for the 100th episode. Anyway please comment the video and enjoy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Sam Side of the Moon

The time has come, Castiel said, for us to see heaven... Well no Castiel never said it but I said I want to see heaven and the Supernatural writers were like 'Yes Kara, Yes we will show you heaven. But because your such a demanding fan I will make it the worst and best episode all at once.'

Stupid Kara. Why must I be so demanding?

So Clearly it was the best and worst episode all wrapped up in a little bow. Unlike a lot of people (well the ones who are so vocal on forums and other outlets) I have really enjoyed this season, sure there have been some episodes that I haven't enjoyed but that comes with every Season... but this Episode is one of the best of the Season - well personally that's what I think.

I have said time and time again, while the overall mythos of the show is important but no where near as important as the character development. The story is about Brothers who have had nothing but shit (not literally of cause) thrown at them. And this episode was heavy with Character Development. And I loved it. Now as this a character based episode I have decided to review something other than the episode.

Now I could review every aspect of this episode and cut it into little pieces but most of it (Mary John and God have all been covered in my theory post here) However lets talk about Sam and Dean.

I am clearly I am a bit more of a Dean fan than I am Sam, but I am not a bias person when it comes to my favourite TV show. I can see the character flaws in both of them but right now I have come to the conclusion that Sam Winchester is the most selfish do-gooder I have ever seen. He thinks he is doing the right thing, for the right reason but I think he lies to himself more than anything. Anyone remember Ruby?

I understand he has had a different version of family than what Dean has but come on. One of your best memories is when you and your dad fight and he tells you never to come back... because that's normal.

Now I know Sam bashing is a common sport in this fandom but after undertaking a Supernatural Marathon I have found myself getting more and more annoyed with Sam.

He, like John, is so driven by impure forces. Now hear me out, John and Sam have both been driven by revenge indulging in secretes and narrow minded tunnel vision. If you compare it to Dean who yes has his fair share of secretes but everything seems to be driven by love of his family. But then again that could be because Dean does have the memories of what family life is like, (crusts being cut off - which By The Way was AWESOME memory) and he can see what its can one day be. For Sam its always been the unattainable dream. A dream that he searched for and had for only a fleeting moment.

That all said and done, why was there no memories of Jessica? Surely he had some fun moments with Dean and John. Maybe it was just where he was in his road, maybe Zach was pulling some strings. So what do you think? Am I being too harsh on Sam? Are his happy memories justified seeing the way he was raised? Was Dean unjustified for being pissed off at Sam's happy memories?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Dark Side of this crack Pot theory

Hey All

Now Every now and again I write and episode review. And I will for The Dark Side of the Moon, but because of a Supernatural Marathon I am having I am doing this first. This episode gave me a theory, one that I am unable to fit into 140 words in twitter.


Firstly God. Yes he sounds like a major Douche in this episode, but as it is Easter I feel I might be zapped with lighting if I don't add this, I believe it was a test. Not a test like the square root of pie but a test of faith. If that is so, then both Castiel and Dean have failed it like I did with every science test. God not only tested the faith of the boys in him but them in each other.

They failed. Move along? Oh no you cynical side of my brain. Oh no no no.

That scene that broke my heart, like full on hammer to the heart... anyway when Dean dropped that Amulet in the bin. I believe something will happen Dean will gain some kind of faith, or Sam and somehow the amulet will come back to him like some kind of boomerang.

However if Off Camera Sam picked it up, it may be the missing piece in the faith jigsaw that Dean or God need to make them man up. And no I am not Dean bashing I understand where he is coming from after all this was the straw that broke the Dean Winchesters back. He needs his faith restored just like it seems like God needs too

Winchester Parents.
(May I add this is not an inertly new theory of mine but alas let me continue)

Ash, father of all stuff that is smart, can not find Mary and Johns heaven. Now if one is to remember back to All Hell Breaks Loose part 2, John walked out of hell and was like 'Bitch don't shoot my boy' that when Yellow Eyes bit it he burst into white light.

I think God has Mary and John, two very good hunters chosen with blood lines. Maybe they are now angels, maybe they are Gods personal body guards. But they are Winchesters they are not normal people their after lives are not normal. I think they are with God or at least trying to do some heavenly good.

Well what do you think? Am I just beyond cracked?