Monday, November 23, 2009

Reasons Why I dont want John Winchester to be God.

Now everyone has been speculating who they want Supernatural's God to be. Misha suggested Miley Cyrus - which personally I think its should be Lucifer's Plan C vessel. But I digress.

There has also been speculation that good old Pappa Winchester, John Winchester himself will be God. To this I say Booo.

Sure it makes sense, Sam - Lucifer, Dean - Michael. But John as God?

Maybe its just me, maybe its because when if John comes back I want him to be their father. I want him to rip Sam a new one. I want him to yell at Dean for going to Hell. And most of all I want him to tell his boys that he's proud of them and that they can win.

Another reason why I think you cant have John being Michael's vessel is because John has been possessed by a Demon, The Demon. Bloody Yellow Eyes.

Now this might just be a crazy crack pot theory, but lets think about it.

Sam: has been possessed by Meg. Lucifer's vessel.

Dean: has never been possessed. Michael's Vessel.

Jimmy: from what we know has never had a demon riding him. Castiel's Vessel.

Jimmy's Daughter: Not possessed from what we know but I think its more than safe to say that she hasn't been. Castiel's plan B Vessel.

Jimmy's wife: Possessed by stunt demon number three, no ones vessel.

There for I believe that if your being a vessel for an angel (a pure and good angel not one that wants to start the end of the world) then you are probably guarded from getting your bones jumped by a demon.

As Castiel told Jimmy there was something in his blood. I believe that same something stops you from being ridden by those black and red eyed SoBs.

This brings the question up, if JDM isn't going to be playing God then who should.

I have included a video to answer that question, as you can see this person has had some hunting experience.

1 comment:

  1. You're an idiot.... just 'cause you were possessed by a demon dosen't mean you can't be possessed by a good force.

    The ONLY reason Sam and Dean are vessels is not because they resemble Lucifer or Michael or 'cause they're possessed/not possessed, it's 'cause they're part of the bloodline that can only be the vessels to the people of god's bloodline.
