Friday, November 20, 2009

Abandon all hope? More like abandon us Supernatural fans for 2 months.

Guess who's back? Back again? Kara's back to write a blog.

Now Lady's and Gents, we had an amazing episode of Supernatural the other night. I am also going to do something different than most peoples reviews of a show. Because we have the next Hellish 8 weeks of no new Supernatural, I am going to pick apart different parts of some of this seasons episodes (or the other seasons depends how things go) and make comment on them.

I often don't cry while watching T.V shows but man did I cry like a little baby. Why you may ask? And if your asking you really need a round house kick to the head, but it was because of this very touching moment.

Cant you just feel the pain that is on Ellen's face when she realised her little girl had died. I am so glad she has an ugly crying face for this, none of this single tear rolling down her cheek crap. Full on heart broken pain.

For a moment there I really thought Dean was going to have to shoot Jo to put her out of her pain, much like John had to do to Jo's daddy. However so glad that way didn't pan out. Not that I am glad to see Jo or Ellen die. It has come down to the fact that there are no characters I want to see bite it.
On the plus side, Ellen had the best last words ever. Move over Ned Kelly 'Such is life' is so last century this one is all about 'You go straight back to hell you ugly Bitch!'

What about Lucifer? Well if he dies then so does the show, so I hope be becomes the new Yellow eyes, and really you can see that happening. This story line can not be wrapped up in the next eleven episodes. Can it? Not now Death is walking about, and such.

Lets go into the other Jaw dropping moment of the episode.

The Colt does not work on Lucifer. Go figure. I guess Samuel Colt didn't think that far a head, he's just all about killing the Demons. Well that's well and good but how the Hell are we going to kill this SOB? No offence God. And how dare Lucifer capture Castiel in a burning ring of fire.

Might I just add that Cas does have some mad skills, if the angel thing doesn't work out for him. I guess he could either be a boy scout of an architect. Who would have thought of using the Bitch aka Meg as a foot bridge. Serves you right Meg. You shouldn't call a man lack of skill, even if he couldn't score with a hooker.

But back to Lucifer, there are only 5 things in all of creation that the Colt doesn't kill. Hmm Interesting. It also begs the question what are the other four things? Some say the horse men, I say neigh to that. See I can make puns.

To me I am thinking God would have to be one of them.

Michael would have to be another.

Any ideas on the other Two?

Anyway back to Lucifer's crazy monologue. So he is sure Sam is going to say yes. Now I am not the biggest fan girl, but I will still go all Becky on anyone who disses him. Yet I like Dean am finding it a bit hard to trust the man with the crazy sideburns. But If Sam says yes to Lucifer I will never forgive him. (Yes I know its a TV show.)

I just don't understand why he would say yes. This is Sam who used to pray everyday, going to say yes? Screw that for a joke. But if he does I am pretty sure Bobby will get the strength back in his legs and kick him up the ass. Grr at Sam and Lucifer.

Now this brings me to another point. How awesome was Crowley this is only going to be a small point, but he was just cool.

I really do hope we get to see him again. This character has also made me think on how this war can pan out.

Sam and Dean, with the rouge Angels like Cas with the Smarter Demons vs The douche angels vs Lucifer and the Demons.

Complicated fight, but one that makes for some gooood TV.

Now lastly the last moment I would like to point out is this one.

Is that a bridge I see mending? I don't really have much to say on this moment, other than it seems like Sam and Dean are becoming more themselves with each other. I am also not afraid to admit that I was Screaming at them to say "Bitch, Jerk." They better say it soon or else I very well might very well have to write a Fan Fiction.

So In other words I loved this episode from start to finish.

So what are your plans for the next 8 weeks of Hell without our boys?

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