Saturday, February 6, 2010

Same song Different Verse something with Song in the title... Back to The Future 2

I am normally one of many words. I normally write whole books but this episode of Supernatural has rendered me something my mum used to pray for... speechless.

It will be hard pressed to find a fan of Supernatural who hated his episode, and in reality if I found someone who did hate this episode I would take them out back and go totally Michael on their ass. Ok quick over view of what happened.

Anna set back the Red head (ranga, ginger, blood nut, whatever you would like to call them) moment back about 100 years but wanting to kill Sam, then Mary and John.

Bitch Please! Did you really think you could go after Sam, or Mummy and Daddy Winchester and not be confronted with the full force of the Winchester Power?

Now ok lets go serious for a moment. How the hell did she break out? Are there more fractions going on in Heaven? I swear the TV show 7th Heaven lied to me, I thought big families worked together and had weird ass dialog, clearly not. There are angels who want Lucifer to win, there are angels who are yay lets get Michael to kill Lucifer so why cant there be angels who just want Sam dead because they don't believe Dean will say yes.

Or maybe Anna is a sneaky little angel, after all she did fall.

Before I hit on the Winchesters (and I don't mean 'My name is Kara backwards its Arak, wanna invade?' Hit on.) I would like to quickly mention how awesome Cas was in this episode. He was only on in the very beginning and the very end, but he has this power that draws your attention. One thing (out of the many good things) that the Supernatural writers have done is the character development of Cas.

Anyway Back to the Winchesters:

We have never seen the full Winchester family together, have we? Well maybe in the Pilot but Sam was six months old so he doesn't count. It was good to see them interact. Also it was awesome to see how much like her son's Mary is.

Also Mary has some BA moves. She totally fights like Dean.

As we have all seen the episode I will not mention how awesome I thought the car trip was with John behind the wheel. I will not mention how well he seemed to handle the whole hunting aspect and how he didn't seem to think any less or even fear what was coming up to try and kill them. I also will not mention how freaking sweet I thought it was that Sam and Dean took on the teaching roll to their parents on how to fight angels. Another thing I wont mention is how Sam apologised and made Peace with John, a little bit too late but it was cute and it made me choke up.

Now something I will mention is this.

"I'm your Son!"

Holy crap I was hoping this would happen. And when it did it really ticked all the boxes didn't it? The guilt that was on her face when she said 'I raised my boys in this life' almost made me cry and when he said 'nope your dead' I must admit it more than choked me up. What I don't understand is when Dean said you get Sam and you run, he didn't just say 'Borrow the colt put a devils trap right above his bed and shoot the MoFo?'

Anyway I also sorta expected when Mary said 'I am pregnant' Dean to go 'Congratulations it's a boy.' But I guess it would kinda kill the mood.

Hands up if you thought this was God?

I sure as hell did. And my God I was totally excited to see it was Michael. Its a blood line, does that mean that Adam could have been vessel 2 for Michael?

Now I will relate back to an older blog where I said John couldn't be the vessel of God because he has been possessed by YED. Clearly now the whole John as God's vessel theory has to be thrown out of the window. But thinking back it makes sense for John to have both been possessed by YED and Michael seeing that Sam is the condom of Lucifer the king of the demons and Dean is the vessel of Michael the king of the angels.

Anyway I want it to be said that I think Michael is an awesome character I like him and it goes against the grain I know but I want Dean to say yes. If he can stop the end of the world, and stop Sam from saying yes and he wont end up a drooling mess, then dude say yes. Plus Michael was kind enough to leave John and Mary good as new.

So here comes the end of the Recap/review of the episode. I highly enjoyed this episode one of the best of the season. 5/5

Lets see what else the beloved writers of Supernatural have for us next week.

1 comment:

  1. Never in my life would I imagine myself saying this: I WANT TO SEE GOD! William Shatner come on down!
