Friday, June 4, 2010

Supernatural Season Five Awards

Welcome to the inaugural Supernatural Awards.
Where the leather and impala and demon blood drinking comes out to play. It’s the night of nights... mainly for those guys who LARP and that, what’s her name? SamLicker81?
So let’s frock up, sip on some champagne (or purple nurples) and enjoy not having to listen to some very badly delivered jokes by some shoddy presenters and jump right into the nights proceedings.

Ladys and Gents, fan girls and just fans I am now proud to announce The Inaugural Kara and Tiny’s Supernatural Season 5 Awards. (You can read hers here)

Best Filler

Kara: While I may have defended this episode saying it wasn’t a complete filler, but for the sakes of this award I am claiming it is. Best Filler is Body Swap. I know it isn’t the most conventional of choices as a lot of people would think. But I found myself laughing and having a strong reaction towards the episode. I loved the whole Demons contacting Witches and goth kids saying ‘Hey, do us a solid and kill Dean Winchester’. I just enjoyed this episode from start to finish.

Tiny: This season I actually find it really hard to define what a filler is. When it comes to a 'legit' filler on Supernatural, I think of Dead in the Water or Bugs or Nightshifter or Ghost-Facers. Many episodes in season five appeared to be fillers but I don't think there were fillers. Anyway, to me the best filler this season is Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. Although the episode introduced the Death and Bobby story arc, but this is very close to being a 'legit' filler in my book. Best of all, I love a good Bobby centric episode, I love some good zombie action.

Worst Filler

Kara: 99 Problems. Which I know isn’t a real outstanding episode to say ‘Worst filler’ but I decided worst filler and least favourite episode have to be two different episodes. Anyway, 99 Problems fell short, it idea was promising, but, unfortunately everything else just was a steamy pile of crap. Maybe it has something to do with the ‘let’s throw Lisa in here although we haven’t mentioned her for about three seasons’. An episode shouldn’t rely on Castiel to show up before it can start getting good, and even then it the only good bits were when Castiel was on screen.
However very, very, VERY Dishonourable mention, ‘Hammer of the Gods’ – I don’t need a reasoning, you have seen the episode right?

Tiny: Definitely Fall Idols. But seeing Paris Hilton's head got chopped off made the episode! Having said that, this episode has one of my favourite Dean's lines: Is that Ghandi? This is also one of my favourite hashtags on Twitter!

Favourite Episode

Kara:. Personal favourite episode has to be a tie between Changing Channels and I believe the Children are our Future. Granted they are both comedic episode but they both also have a very ‘Monster at the end of this book’ feel to it. I refuse to think that ‘Children’ is a filler as I don’t believe any episode that has the Little AntiChrist. Both of the two episodes were just fantastic, they managed to balance a mythos story line, comedy and character development. Plus how can you pass Herpexia and a hairy hand. What else can I say?

Tiny: The End. I am deeply, truly, madly in love with this episode! This is the kind of episode I love to see on the show. I really love the writing, the character stuff, the production and the execution. I love the Terminator-John-Connor element. I love the setting of the story. I love the double Dean action. Jensen Ackles gave an award-winning performance. The episode was perfect to me.

Honourable mention: Changing Channels, Abandon All Hope and The Song Remains the Same.

Least Favourite Episode

Kara: A lot of people would presume that I would say ‘Fallen Idols’ but I am sorry its ‘The Real Ghost Busters’ I hated it. Hate it. Hate it. HATE IT! It fell short, and it wasn’t funny at all. While there were call backs to the previous seasons it wasn’t anywhere near as good as Monster and if you do an episode like this , it should be at least in the same it to be compared to one of the best episodes in Supernatural History that dealt with much the same content. This episode also had the feel of “Let’s make a convention like episode – oh shit forgot I that this episode has no relevance to our overall story line so let’s throw in this thing about the Colt.”

Tiny: If you read my blog previously, you'd know I had issues with Dark Side of The Moon. I just think that Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin had good materials to work on but the writing wasn't top notch and the character stuff wasn't well executed. May be I am a bit harsh here, but this episode was hard to digest.

Best Use of Song

Kara: Two words... CHERRY PIE!

Tiny: Having said that about Dark Side of the Moon, when Knockin' On Heaven's Door was played in the Dean/ young Sammy fireworks scene, it brought tears to my eyes.

Honorable mention: Cherry Pie in The Song Remains the Same. DEAN DEAN DEAN! You one naughty son of a pie!

Best Quote

Kara: “I just looked her in the eyes and told her that it wasn’t her fault her father left, he just hated his job at the post office.” Castiel

Tiny: As much as I love all the Dean ones, I am going to give this award to my favourite angel Castiel. And I have a few!! God is not on any flat bread; The voice says I am almost out of minute; I don't understand, why do you want me to say my name; Hey ass-butt!

Most Heart Breaking Moment

Kara: While I do want to say Bobby confessing how he wanted to kill himself, it would have to be the iconic scene of Dean dropping the amulet in the bin. This kind of reminds me of the ‘Coffee drop’ scene of season 2.

Tiny: In The Song Remains the Same, when Dean revealed to Mary he was her son. Why was it heart-breaking? Mary's deal with YED set things in motion (arguably). It was heart-breaking to see young Mary finding out what happened to her kids. Not only Dean and Sam never had the chance to live a normal apple pie life, their lives just got worst and worst. Mary had the will, but there was nothing she could do to save her kids or turn things around. You can't fight City Hall!

Best Death

Kara: Best Death seems like a weird way to put this but it would have to be Ellen and Jo’s death. They went out swinging, literally in a blaze of glory. Plus that ‘Kick It in the Ass’ which just added more emotion to that already emotional scene (RIP Kim).

Tiny: When we say 'best death', we certainly don't mean it like 'Ruby-die-bitch-die-best-death'. It's more like 'heroic-epic-death'. Abandon All Hope deeply effected my week after seeing Ellen and Jo died in this episode. I couldn't re-visit that episode like I normally would. I have always loved Ellen and Jo, in fact, I sometimes think they were a bit under used. So to see them coming back to fight side by side with Team Free Will and then sacrificed themselves was heroic.

Coolest Death

Kara: Coolest Death is a pretty God Damn easy one for me at least. Anna being burnt by Michael. There is just no way to explain how freaking awesome that death was. Burn baby burn.
Honourable mention: Gabriel being killed by his big bro Lucifer.

Tiny: I have to say Zachariah! Zach is the best villain viewers love to hate! The journey of his character from the get-go to his death was well-written, well-executed and well-performed. I love the dialogue exchange between Dean and Zach in Point of No Return. Kurt Fuller and Jensen Ackles played that scene brilliantly.

Best Fight

Kara: This may become as a surprise to some, but the best fight holds in the 100th episode. There were quite a few awesome fights in that episode however the best fight is between Cas and Dean. Holy Hell! Cas won a fight and against the Dean... and he smacked that little bitch silly.
Honourable mention: Once again Cas kicking major angel ass in ‘Sympathy for the devil’.

Tiny: I am actually going a little left-field here and give the best fight to Mary and Anna in The Song Remains the Same. How often do we get to see Mary engaged in hand to hand combat?! Seeing her in a fight scene with Glenn Close was awesome!

Favourite Villain

Kara: How can you possibly pass up the King of the Douches? Lucifer, and he was the biggest bad guy in ‘The End’ when he was wearing Sam. He was so bad ass when he was going around killing other gods and the fact he didn’t care about how many demons ,his ‘children’, that he killed was just the icing on the douchifer cake.

Tiny: Zachariah. Kudos to Kurt Fuller for such an incredible performance. Supernatural does really awesome casting and Kurt Fuller was THE MAN to play this role! Zach is a character the show needs. Love him or hate him, the villainous character was well-constructed.

Honorable mention: Mark Pellegrino was awesome as Lucifer.

Favourite Good Guy

Kara: In a show like Supernatural there’s an abundance of good guys, however one really seemed to hit a cord with me. Gabriel. Maybe it’s because it’s not like he just was a good guy like Bobby and Cas and the boys, but he actually chose to go against everything, against his ‘trickster’ nature, against his family and even against the other Gods who were his friends. He didn’t pick heaven or hell, he didn’t choose between his brothers, he chose to be on the side of the Humans.

Tiny: It's a tie between Bobby and Castiel. I love them! On one hand I was prepared to say goodbye to them, but on the other hand I am so glad they are coming back in season six.

Honorable mention: Chuck and Trickster/ Gabriel. I love them so much!

Biggest WTF Moment

Kara: Ok... Ok... WTF? The colt can’t Kill Lucifer. But then how...? What? Oh, no we are so screwed.

Tiny: When Dean threw his amulet into the bin at the end of Dark Side of the Moon. WTF. Seriously WTF?! It was a hard moment to digest.

Most Under Used Character

Kara: For those that have listened to me bitch on twitter or via my blog this will be no surprise for you... but the most under used character was the lovely heart breaking Jessie. How can you have the Anti Christ in only ONE episode of the Apocalypse story arch? Couldn’t Hammer of the Gods be more like Jessie comes back and the boys have to protect them and somehow Lucifer catches where he is and comes after him? Come on! So disappointed with the lack of that sweet kid. I hope he is in season 6

Tiny: The anti-Christ Jessie. This character has so much potential. I would like to see a closure. But perhaps they couldn't get the kid back or something. I hope Jessie will return in season six.

Best Confrontation

Kara: Dean confronting Lucifer in Sam’s body in the end. This is a scene that I can just watch over and over again. It was written so well, acted amazingly.

Tiny: I was really looking forward to see the Michael and Lucifer showdown. But surprising, I really really enjoyed the Michael (Matt Cohen) and Dean scene in The Song Remains the Same. I didn't expect to see Michael at all. I was so impressed with Cohen's performance, which made this confrontation so enjoyable to watch.

Favourite Guest Star

Kara: Paris Hilton... ha! Just kidding. While I am not a major Crowley fan I did however really enjoy Mark Sheppard. He had very smart well written one liners and is quite an enjoyable character.

Tiny: I have four, is that ok? The first one is Michael Shank, it's personal, that's all! I was so excited to see Michael on Supernatural. Having played one of my favourite TV characters Daniel Jackson on Stargate SG1, it was just so good to see him on my favourite show.

The second one of Mark Sheppard. He is just super awesome as Crowley. His performance and his interpretation of the character was masterful.

The third one is Richard Speight Jr. aka the Trickster/ Gabriel. I really enjoyed his performance this season.

The forth one is Mark Pellegrino aka Luci. Seriously! I love him as Jacob in Lost and I LOVE him as Luci. I can't think of anyone else who could play the role. (May be Misha Collins.. haha)

PS - I see Jim Beaver as a regular more than a guest star. So that's why you don't see Jim here.

Biggest ‘I KNEW IT’ Moment

Kara: Sam is Lucifers Vessel. Need I say more?

Tiny: When Castiel revealed to Dean that his amulet was God's EMF in Good God Y'All, I was speechless. I was like Seriously!! I knew it! Finally, the amulet's backstory! Although this particular story arc didn't really live up to my expectation and fell flat later, but this particular moment was epic.

Best Character Moment

Kara: Dean manning up in Point of no Return. When he was crying saying yes then looking at Sam and then, then there was that wink. The wink that said ‘Yeah Bizzatches Dean Winchester is back! Now give me something sharp.’

Tiny: I originally picked the scene where Dean prayed to God at the end of My Bloody Valentine. But I changed my mind, because it was more like a out of character moment. So my choice goes to Dean's wink in Point of No Return, which was the turning point of his character. It was good to see the return of classic Dean. Screw Destiny!

Favourite Sam and Dean Moment

Kara: I guess this is sort of cheating, but when Sam as Lucifer is pounding the crap out of Dean and Dean goes ‘Don’t worry Sam I won’t leave you’ then that light hit the impala cue major league flashbacks.

Tiny: Sam and Dean didn't hug this year and their relationship continued to be in a strange place in season five. However the ending of Point of No Return was super cool and significant. It was a mini ending of a chapter before the big finale. Castiel said something before they entered the warehouse: "I don't have the same faith in you that Sam does." Sam knows Dean more than Dean realises. When it counts, it's the little thing we forget in life that makes a difference.

Favourite Comedic Moment in an Episode

Kara: Ok I am pretty sure this doesn’t need any explanation. NUTCRACKER!! Actually any moment in that episode.

Tiny: NUTCRACKER! I mean, seriously NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, can top that! Unless it's the Herpexia ad. It's funny that both scenes involved Sam. He isn't even the funny one on the show!

Biggest Unanswered Question

Kara: How the hell could Dean kill the Whore and watch the angel light? Who is Chuck? Where is God? How is Sam back? Why are my feet cold?

Tiny: Who EXACTLY is Chuck?

Best Moment in Season 5

Kara: Dean hugging his Mum in Dark Side of the Moon, telling her that he loved her and that he won’t ever leave her. That scene still makes me cry, it’s such a touching emotional scene.
Honourable mention: Sam and Dean coming clean to Mary in ‘Back to the Future 2’

Tiny: This is the toughest category! I am going to give this award to the Winchesters. In The Song Remains the Same, Dean, Sam, Mary and John were in the Impala together, John was driving it and he told everyone to shut up. It was the perfect family moment for this dysfunctional family. I think this was the only time the Winchesters were seen in the family car together. This scene screamed PERFECT to me.

Honourable mention: Dean's "I am your son" moment was as epic as Vader's "I am your father" in Star Wars.

Best Episode

Kara: In season 5 there have been many outstanding episodes. But I can’t go past ‘Point of No Return’. It’s the 100th episode, it has everything an awesome episode of Supernatural needs. It was funny, it was sad, it had brother moments, there was action, there was story line there was 100 reasons why I still watch this show.
Honourable mention: The Episode formally known as ‘Back to the Future 2’ and ‘Dark Side of the Moon’

Tiny: To me, it's a tie between The End (written by Ben Edlund) Changing Channels (written by Jeremy Carver) and The Song Remains the Same (written by Sera Gamble). These episodes were extremely well-written, well-executed and well-performed. Jensen Ackles out-performed himself in The End. Richard Speight Jr. stepped up his performance as Trickster/ Gabriel in Changing Channels. Young Mary (Amy Gumenick) and John (Matt Cohen) were outstanding in The Song Remains the Same. Matt Cohen nailed his performance as John and Michael in one episode. These episodes were just close to perfection in my book.

100% Kara:

Best Horseman:
War! The original and the best. While everyone is like 'Yay Death' I am like Oh Death if only you could be as cool as your little brother.

Best SpinOff that could have been: Ellen and Jo raising Jesse. I would like to call it 'Raising the Anti Christ'

Pop Culture Reference I acctually got: Glenn Close

Best little nod to the fans: When Dean puts the tape in the Impalas tape player in Swan Song and it says Kick It In The Ass.

Character I wish had more screen time other than Jesse: Cupid. Oh why were you only in the episode of Supernatural.

Biggest 'Yeah Thats why I dont ... in real life': Get my swine flu injection. I am sorry but I would rather get a couple of weeks off work than becoming a Croat.

So everyone there are the Supernatural awards. I would like to thank Chuck and the Impala for making it all possiable... really I would like to thank Tiny. You can read her blog plus her 100% Tiny Awards here or follow her twitter here.

Adios Bizzatch

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It was always had to be you... Metalicar

So, by now everyone has read a bundle of reviews on ‘Swan Song’ so I think seeing I am so far behind (yes I know I am behind but in my defence I was sick) I think I will just do a simple Pros and Cons List of this episode then my over all thoughts and how I think it should have ended.

Lets start with the Cons…


Dean Riding to Lucifer and Michael. – While that whole tape with ‘Kick it in the ass’ written on it was cool I thought it was edited weirdly. They had Dean playing Deaf Leopard, then he stopped and there was a cut where clearly the ad break comes and the music is gone and it just looks stilted. While I know that the main medium for Supernatural is on a commercial network, it just won’t translate to DVD and it just lost all impact. If however Dean had used the impala to run over Lucifer and then have some kind of cut away it would have been more of an impact.

Lucifer as Sam talking to the mirror – While I did enjoy the actual talking between the two of them, I didn’t however like the introduction to that scene. The script just seemed to be a little jarring. What he should have done is leave that whole ‘I am going to drop the gag and let’s talk’ line and just turn to the mirror and go ‘Oh Hey Sammy you wanna chat?’

Dean having a normal Apple Pie life with Lisa – I am sorry, I have said this once I have said this a thousand times this whole Lisa thing has just been thrown in and is out of place. My man Zach said in ‘It’s a Terrible Life’ Hunting is in Deans blood he goes back to it every time his in the dark. If you wanted him to be ‘normal’ then why not do something that isn’t so strange and out of character. (I will put my idea in later on in the blog.)


The Impala – While I think they could have done more with this whole how special the impala is, I did enjoy the whole back story of the impala. I did however think ‘Holy Crap the angels were wrong, the IMPALA is Michaels sword.’

Flashback – That scene with the flash back without any corny music and was just – for lack of a better word – organic.

Sam regaining control of his body – Holy Hell that was awesome.

“Don’t worry Sammy I won’t leave you.”

Cas and Bobby – They died they came back. It was awesome.


I think if they wanted Dean to become Joe Picket-Fence there would be a more Dean way to do it. I know this will make me sound like a broken record, but Jesse should have come back. He could have somehow distracted Lucifer or whatever and Dean has to become daddy to the Anti Christ. Come on that would have been freaking sweet. Not to mention that Hammer of the Gods really should have been called Bodyguard and be that Jesse has come back and that they needed to protect him from Lucifer.

All in all this wasn’t the best season finale episode but it wasn’t the worst. It was a good solid episode and it has made me really wonder about how season six is going to turn out.

However side note the CW has announced the treatment (if that’s what it’s called) for season 6 and I am so right baby!

Keep watching this space because on this Thursday the lovely Tiny and I will be bringing something neither of us have ever done before. So frock up and be ready.

Monday, May 10, 2010

All Kara Breaks loose on Conventions

So resently I went to AHBL2... in long hand it is All Hell Breaks loose the Australian Supernatural Convention.

Ok. Lets get the first thing first. Twitter was a buzz (well not entirely I am not That Justin kid) with what t-shirt I was going to wear. The beloved Tiny had a poll and people voted... about seventy something I think... maybe I am off but still a butt load of people voted and I made my very very Pro Bobby t-shirt. For those who missed the twitpic.

Yep. That's right. Bobby could kick the Ghostbusters and facers and the facer hates ASSS!!!! And Let me just tell you this it wasn't just only the fans who loved this t-shirt.

But lets get back to what happened. So my dear Friend who I did the marathon with came with me, we caught the train got lost in Melbourne Uni and waited. Waiting was really the theme of the day. As I wasn't a Platinum or a VIP (although my mum thinks I am Important) I wasn't first in line, I didn't have prime seats or spots so waiting was just something you had to do. But waiting wasn't that bad. I let my geek freak flag fly by jumping into peoples conversations when they couldn't remember characters or episodes names.

"Ahh sorry for butting in but that was Season 5 episode 2 and the horse man was War they weren't infected by demons but..." Yeah if only they had an SPN trivia contest I so would have kicked some peoples butts. Anyway moving back on to topic.

Because I am poor... and lack of carrying the Crown Jewels around with me I only managed to get two Photos one with Misha and the man and myth himself Jim- Bobby, the same two people I got autographs from as well. Yeah I know shocker going for those two when we have the delightful Rob and Sam and Julie are there doing pretty much nothing just waiting for something to happen. Huh just like the people on the daily tickets. No I kid.

First up was Misha, and this is going to sound weird but holy crap he smells nice.

He was so friendly and nice and I guess friendly and nice are the same thing. But anyway... But not as crazy as you see in by reading his twitter. He was very polite and wow I better stop myself before I start repeating myself because he is just that awesome.

Then was the Photo I was pretty worried about. I didn't know how my t-shirt was going to go down.

Lets put it this way, he really enjoyed my t-shirt. Which was a relief. I dont know what I was expecting, maybe for him to hit me with his had and call me an idjet... wait that would have been cool.

Anyway once the photos were done it was Sam (Ellen) Q and A time. Boy she totally rocks, she almost made me cry about the whole 'Kick it in the ass' thing that she said in Abandon All Hope. She was scripted to say 'Dean dont miss' but after so many hours a camera man (I think)came over and sugested that she said kick it in the ass, which is something the great Kim Manners used to say before action. She said that when she first did it, the set went silent and that by the end everyone was in tears.

Knowing things like that add to the emotion of that scene.


On a much lighter note she told us about how she didnt know the gun edicit and how she loved how she got a shotgun and that J2 picked on her entusiasim with it. There was also a little food for thought. She told us about her email with the Evil master Eric, and how he responded with 'Dont be too upset in our show death doesnt mean anything'. From what I could gather by from what Sam said, if she was to come back she would like it to be like how John came back in... well All Hell Breaks Loose.

Then it was Robs and Julie's Q&A. In all reality I cant remember all that much from this session. However there were some highlights. When they showed Anna dying Rob went "Ha Ha I cant die" and he said he would like to be in a Ghostfacers ep... which lets just say would be awesome. Julie seemed nice and Rob was just like Chuck in real life. He was so freaking sweet.

Then there was Misha... to me it was a little strange that Misha went on before Jim but Jim had been there since season 1 so I guess thats why... Anyway Misha was totally the class clown. He swore and acted up, brought up the girl in Sydney that stole his napkin and how that was the most disgusting thing he had ever witnessed. He had the whole room in histerics - talking into his water bottel and drinking out of his microphone and taking a phonecall from the 'Shirt off your back' in Sydney. He really was just crazy and histerical. One of the main highlights of the day.

He said that he just had a phone call from Sera Gamble. Prospects of a Cas in season 6 are looking good.

However I did like his answer to how he would have liked season 5 to end... Sam Dean and Cas just going to the movies watching Up. That would have been histerical.

Really I dont know what else to say about Misha, he just seemed to understand and the stories and >how to play to a crowed.

Lastly was Jim. Mr Jim. The Beaver himself. He came walking out carrying an old school computer making some twitter joke. He wasn't as funny as Misha - really who is- but he was awesome. For God sake hes Bobby of cause he's awesome. One of the highlights from what he said was when someone asked him about the Amulet "The writers don't tell me what Bobby does off screen and I don't tell them." However from what I gathered from one of his answers the prospects of Bobby being in season 6 is hurriedly depleting. And I do not like it. I want Bobby to stay around forever... actually I have always thought the end of the show should end with Bobby standing with a bottle of beer either watching the boys drive off in the impala or with a beer watching the Boys body's burn in a hunters funeral.

But on less depressing note. Jim is just Jim. Superbly awesome and funny with just a hint of a little player. When asked about the Crowley kiss he said "As soon as I read that I knew I would never live it down. And come on he wouldn't. But at least he should have brought him dinner first. Just saying.

Then it was autograph time, as I am not overly rich I only got Misha and Jim's autograph.

Misha was awesome he as the bluest eyes I have ever seen. And he is just lovely.

Jim. Once again read my t-shirt and said how it was cool and how he liked reading it and then he hugged me and I stepped on his foot. And it was awesome.

- The Prices, I know they have to pay a hell of a lot to get these people out here but 40 bucks per autograph is pretty heavy but what else do we work for.
- The fact people werent up to date on SPN come on if your playing Celb Heads and you have the Trickster and crack it when you ask if you are dead and you dont like the answer. Oh well.
- The character/actor intros. For the most part they didnt have anything to do with the character for Robs one it had mostly the Boys. Like come on have some of Chucks one liners hes pretty damn awesome.

- Everything else. Supernatural fans are the best.
- People taking photos with me because of my t-shirt.

So all in all it was an amazing and long day and I am saving up for the LACon. Bring it on baby.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Enter Snarky Comment here

I know I know. Bad Kara. I should have written a couple of reviews but I have hardly had time to rewatch these episodes little lone write about them.

But the long and the short is:

100th Episode = AWESOME! Loved every moment. Loved Cas winning a fight. Thought it was the perfect 100th episode. RIP Zach I will miss you.

Hammer of the Gods = Fell short. The Gods had potential but the saving grace was Gabe and Lucifer. RIP Gabe.

The Devil you know = Was pretty good. Very solid episode. But Dont do it Bobby Dont Do it!

There quickest review ever.

Now lets move on to more pressing issues. The end of Season 5. Now I like a lot of people do not like being spoiled. Even more so when it comes to the last two episodes in each Supernatural season.

I dont care if your just vomiting up something you read in an Episode synopsious. I dont care if its just a freaking like you heard in a sneak peek. You do not make comment on it before it airs in a public forum like Facebook. Its common curtisy people. Just because you like to be spoiled doesnt mean you should spread the joy around. Its selfish and rude.

So please remember what you are saying and the people who could read it before you hit send.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yes I know

I know there has been the 100th episode. I know I should have written a review by now. But real life sometimes is just so over powering you dont get around to it. However its long weekend time here in the land of Oz so I will write a 100th episode review and depending on the time constrates and such I might write one Hammer Time... of the gods....

Anyway must be off the call of the wild is, well, dormant but things to do and eat and mainly do.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

100 moments of Supernatural moments 5-1

This is it the last 5 Moments of Supernatural. If you agree or dont it doesnt matter, because these moments rocked my world, and hopefully yours.

Sam finding John - or 'Coffee Drop'.

Oh Hello heart, you are now on the floor. John, the man the myth is dead. This moment is Iconic. This has to be one of the rawest moments with emotion. I have nothing else to say about this. It was just amazing and perfect.

Sam vs Dean Round 2

This moment isnt so much about the actual fight but what they said to eachother before they landed the first blow. Dean came clean telling Sam that he was turning into a monster, and then Sam went all McFly and went Chuck Norris on his ass. I also find it interesting that when put the fight in Sex and Violence and the Fight here side by side. Dean lost this fight maybe cause he was holding back not really wanting to hurt Sam... not sure. Another reason why this is moment 4 is because of this one line "If you walk out that door dont you ever come back."

Mary I am Your Son.

This moment is so high because you can see how much she wanted a better life for her boys, how much she loved John and how cool and collected she is. This moment was a personal favourite and hence why its so high.

Dead Sam

Holy Crap this moment still makes me cry. And I dont Cry much. You see how much Dean loves his little bro, you see how much he tried to protect him and although he didnt want Sam to leave them he never wanted him to this life.

Ding Dong the Yellow Eyes is Dead.

The best killing of the orginal Bad guy. John climbing out of hell to help his boys. Dean shooting YED with the colt. What isnt there to like? To love, to rank as number one? This was the end of two years of the viewer investment in the distruction of the YED the murder of Mary and Jess to see him go out in such a way was superb. Lets not forget that when Dean goes back in time and is all like 'Bitch, please, look into my eyes I am the one who ganks ya.' It adds something special. Also my dear readers we know that the Yellow Eyes story doesnt end with the bullet in the brain.

So thank God the 100 moments are over. Now all we have to wait to do is to see the 100th episode. And soon it will be time for a new project... maybe ways I can kill Channel 10 for canceling Supernatural again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

100 Moments of Supernatural Moments 10-6

Deal With The Yellow Eyes

The Deal that stopped the nation until Dean made his deal. However this was the first and only time we saw the full extent John would go for his children. It also started the belief of mine that John knew everything that was going to happen to his kids.

Bye Bye Sammy

Even when I re-watch All Hell Breaks Loose my heart still lodges itself right in my throat. Amazing moment and a catalis for the next couple of seasons.

Sam vs Dean ROUND ONE

I Loved this fight... which I know is a silly thing to say, but I loved it. I loved how they had a verbal bitch fight then a physical blow. It gave us some character insight which we all know is like crack to me.

Dean smashing the impala.

Dean has more symoblism that a Year 12 english essay. This moment right here is the reason why I watch 'Everybody loves a clown'. Its a visual sign of Dean's rebellion to John and the task John wanted him to undertake. Just perfect.

One brother has to kill the other.

Gabe... Trickster dishing out the the jaw dropper. Every moment of Changing Channels was awesome but this was just the icing on the cake. It will set up the rest of the season. Just awesome just is ... Supernatural